Annual General Meeting

ICA held its AGM last Thursday, June 16th at ICA’s training facility in Toronto. We thanked outgoing board member Mohamed Khaki for many years of support and service and we moved to include Virginia Kanyogonya as our newest board member. Welcome aboard!

With our hard work out of the way, the group of 20 members participated in a World Cafe around the question: What can we do to make the most of our 40th Anniversary event on Saturday, November 12th in Toronto? A lot of creative energy went into this and we formed four categories of activity: Event Planning, Highlighting History, Outreach/Marketing, and Interactivity. Through these four areas we took in loads of exciting ideas for an interesting event and we even found a couple volunteers in our group. We could still use more and all of our members are welcome to participate in our purpose to: engage people in the future of ICA CANADA based on the passion that originally caught them up in ICA.

How Much Is Our Membership Fee?

In 2017, we are offering an annual membership for $20. The fee covers some of the cost of holding our AGM, taking care of administration costs,mailing quarterly newsletters, and hosting meetings. It entitles each member to vote at the AGM, receive invitations to events and opportunities to participate in the strategic direction of ICA Canada, and also represent ICA in their communities.

Want to renew your existing membership or become a new member? Payments can be made in cash, cheques and securely through our new online payment system. 

Any questions or comments? We are happy to answer

The Canadian Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA Canada)
401 Richmond St West, Suite 405 Toronto, ON M5V 3A8
Phone: 416) 691-2316 ext. 2247

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